Vicki Saputo, RN has researched safe cosmetics and skin care products for more than 20 years. Her personal list below consists of products she has researched, tested and recommends.
Remember our skin is our body’s largest organ and more than 60% of what we put on our skin is absorbed into our blood stream. We don’t want to absorb hormone disruptors, carcinogens or neurotoxins. Organic, natural products are recommended with the absence of synthetic preservatives, artificial colors (esp. FDC’s), chemical fragrances and chemical additives and nanoparticles. Vicki has done most of the research for you, so go for it and enjoy!
If you want to check your personal care products for safety, you can double check by going to and go to skin deep.
The FDA does not regulate the ingredients in skin care products, so it is up to you to take responsibility for your health. Vicki saves you lots of time in chosing safe healthy products that nourish your skin. Listen and watch her talk about this topic on Vicki's Corner.